Since receiving the vision of “Chinese Churches in One Accord, Proclaiming the Gospel until Christ’s Return” in 1976, CCCOWE has been mobilizing global Chinese churches to respond to global evangelism and encouraging Chinese churches everywhere to jointly complete the Great Commission Christ entrusted us. We need your support in prayer, participation and giving, to bless the world together.

“Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. 7Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Cor 9:6-7)

Total Budget of 2025

Total expense on promoting CCCOWE movement in 2025 (including various ministries and general fund)

Raised:HKD –

Goal:HKD 6,924K

Ways of Giving

Once the offering is accepted, there will be no refund. If giving item is not selected, it will be designated to “unspecified item”.
(CCCOWE is registered in Hong Kong, hence the tax-deductible receipts are for Hong Kong area.)



Gives in USD/HKD

(Wire transfers accepted other currencies)
Hong Kong Tax Deduction Receipt



Gives in TWD

(Via CCCOWE Taiwan)
Taiwan Tax-deductible Receipt


Gives in USD

(Via CCCOWE USA Regional)
US Tax-deductible Receipt

Hong Kong

Gives in HKD

Hong Kong Tax Deduction Receipt


Gives in SGD

(Via Singapore District Committee)
Singapore Receipt


Gives in CAD

(Via CCCOWE Canada Regional)
Canadian Tax-deductible Receipt 

Giving - Globally

Online Credit Card Giving

The online giving of CCCOWE is through Stripe online payment, which is convenient and safe. You can use a credit card to make a single or recurrent giving without any Stripe account.

Wire/Money Transfer
(USD / other currencies)

Account Name: CCCOWE
Bank: Hang Seng Bank Limited
Address: 83 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong
Account Number: 242-398535-883
CHIPS No. : 010522  (for remittance from USA only)

Please notify us after giving via email:

Cheque/Money Order

Give to: CCCOWE
Post to: P.O. Box 98435, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong

  • Please use HKD Bank Draft for Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia.
  • Please check with your bank whether checks or money orders in your currency is accepted by Hong Kong banks.

Giving - Taiwan

Online Credit Card Giving

Giving will be through the ECpay platform to ensure it is safe and encrypted.

Wire/Automatic Money Transfer

Account Name: Chinese Coordination Centre of World Evangelism Taiwan
Bank: Hua Nan Commercial Bank Lung Chiang Branch
Account Number: 128-10-0055287
Address: No.143,section2, Minsheng East Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei city
Swift code: HNBKTWTP

Please notify us via after giving so we can send the receipt.


Give Through Checks

Payable to: CCCOWE-USA
Address: CCCOWE-USA. P. O. Box 2005, San Gabriel, CA 91778, U.S.A.
Add a note to specify that it is for CCCOWE and send it along with the check to above address.

Giving - Hong Kong

Online Credit Card Giving

The online giving of CCCOWE is through Stripe online payment, which is convenient and safe. You can use a credit card to make a single or recurrent giving without any Stripe account.


Give to: CCCOWE
Post to: P.O. Box 98435, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong

FPS Giving

FPS ID: 100229277
Account Name: CCCOWE

Please fill out this form after making an offering so we can send you the receipt.


Account Name: CCCOWE

Please fill out this form after making an offering( ) so we can send you the receipt.

Bank Transfer

Account Name: CCCOWE
Bank: The HongKong & Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited
Address: No. 1 Queen’s Road, Central, Hong Kong
Account Number: 018-305250-001

Please notify us after giving via email:

Giving - Singapore

Give Through Electronic Funds Transfer

Bank: OCBC Bank
Name: CCCOWE (Singapore)
Account Number: 517-241246-001

Please send an email to after giving to and specify in the email that the offering is made to CCCOWE.

Give Through Cheque

(Please send the cheque to our Singapore District Committee; they will transfer it to us.)

Address:CCCOWE (Singapore). c/o 60 Kaki Bukit Place #06-07 (Lobby B) Eunos Techpark, Singapore 415979
Make a note on the back of the check that it is for CCCOWE.

Giving - Canada

Give Through Checks

(If you need tax-deductible receipts in Canada, please send it to our Canada District Committee.)

Address:CCCOWE-Canada. 25-145 Royal Crest Court, Markham, ON L3R 9Z4, Canada
Make a note on the back of the check that it is for CCCOWE.


About Receipts




About Ways




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